How we can work together

LIFE PURPOSE or Natal Chart readings include so much information –

Life Purpose Readings Help You

  • Get clear on your life purpose and path very quickly and easily

  • Discover your karmic patterns

  • Understand challenges and patterns

  • Eliminate uncertainty

Life Purpose Readings Are Your Operating Manual

  • We all have a blueprint for our lives, but very few people know about it

  • Evolutionary Astrology offers it to you in a step-by-step process, pinpointing why you are here and how to go about fulfilling your purpose

  • Accelerate your growth and self-awareness

Discover If You Are On The Right Path

  • We’ll outline how to maximize your potential and be in alignment with your Soul’s purpose

  • Evolutionary Astrology helps you understand how you have matured over many incarnations and how your current journey is unfolding

Let’s Talk About Relationships

  • We’ll examine your relationship patterns

  • Evolutionary Astrology shines a spotlight on your past and present relationship challenges and strengths so you feel confidence to expand

  • Evolve into more free will by eliminating obstacles. Neutralize, your karma, maximize acceptance and peace of mind

Work & Groups

  • Dive deep into how you connect with others

  • Be confident about your role in the world

  • Learn how your soul desires to liberate itself from stagnant patterns

  • Align yourself with acts of service, self-improvement and self-healing

  • Dissolve old patterns and deepen your connection to all that is

NEW! Business Solutions for the Entrepreneur

  • Want to develop a business or enhance your current company?

  • Need to get clearer on your company’s blueprint for its vision, mission and branding?

  • Let’s create a separate Life Purpose chart for your business, called the Business Navigator

  • This robust tool reveals your enterprise’s vision, messaging, branding, employee profiles, partnerships, legal strategies, industry positioning, affiliations and best of all, shows you how to pay it forward!