New Moon in Capricorn

The first New Moon of 2022 is in the sign of Capricorn.

This New Moon is in a flowing aspect – a trine with the planet Uranus (community, humanity, we the people, outside the box thinking, sudden and unusual things, and insights etc.).

It is also in a conjunction with Juno (asteroid of commitment). This is bringing in a fresher energy that seems to come together beautifully to assist in supporting one other as we enter into a new field of energies.

  • This month we will also have Mercury tuning retrograde on January 14th (turning direct on February 3rd)
  • Venus retrogrades until January 29th.
  • Retrograde Uranus turns direct on January 18th.

We also have 2 New Moons in January, the next one on January 31st in Aquarius.

THIS NEW CAPRICORN MOON is asking us to turn our hearts and our feelings (New Moon) toward changing (Uranus) the way we look at our future goals, especially since Capricorn is an enthusiastic manifestor.

With the New Moon in Capricorn (government, business, and banks), there is a focus on harmoniously getting along with all the powers that be, but from a position of self-empowerment.

Corporate is now starting to bend to what its employees are wanting/needing such as flexible schedules and improved day care. This New Moon in Capricorn trining Uranus is accenting all these things.

This New Capricorn Moon is also sitting with Juno, the asteroid of commitment! Again, the Universe is asking us to commit to this New Way for our communities and humanity to co-exist.

SATURN RULES THIS CAPRICORN NEW MOON and Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), which rules electricity and the Internet. More innovations and high-tech gadgetry are on their way to us soon.

VENUS/PLUTO ARE SQUARING ERIS AT THIS NEW CAPRICORN MOON. This is accenting the ongoing Cardinal Square that we have been dealing with since 2010!

Cardinal energy is about birthing of something new, a sense of urgency, change and transformation. Square energy is frictional and stressful. The world around us and all our relationships (Venus) are transforming (Pluto), oftentimes, through strife and discord (Eris).

These alignments are pushing us, at both an individual as well as a collective Soul level, to accelerate changes. The first of three Pluto return conjunctions begin next month in February.  This will be a first for the United States so expect even more change, especially at a community and national level.

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