
Is there really such a thing as a 13th Sun Sign in astrology?

Western Astrologers have mostly used zodiac or Sun signs as an underpinning for predictions and interpretations.

But when Ophiuchus came onto our radar in a 2016 NASA blog, everyone went crazy trying to figure out their “new” Sun sign. Ophiuchus is not a zodiac or Sun sign – it is a fixed-star constellation, residing between the constellations of Scorpio and Sagittarius, which means that its constellation boundaries occur between November 29-December 17.

Western astrologers do not use constellations in their work. We use twelve sectors (of approximately 30 degrees each) to understand people and events.  The Sun travels through each of the sectors for about one month in a 12-month period.

NASA experts explain that zodiac signs were invented by the Babylonians more than 3,000 years ago to make sense of the world. These “signs” were then based upon the fixed-star constellations, which were used to create star signs.

However, the Babylonians were aware that their system didn’t quite match up with the earth’s rotation, and so they chose to leave out the 13th sign known as Ophiuchus

The NASA experts explained: “According to the Babylonians’ own ancient stories, there were 13 constellations in the zodiac. (Other cultures and traditions have recognized as many as 24 constellations in the zodiac.) “So, the Babylonians picked one (constellation), Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer/charmer) to leave out.

“What’s more, the Earth’s axis has also altered since the zodiac or Sun signs were coined, meaning that: all the constellations are now in slightly different places in the sky.” “The sky has shifted because Earth’s axis (North Pole) doesn’t point in quite the same direction,” the NASA experts claimed.

Due to “precession” (a slow change in rotation around a fixed point), equinoctial points were slowly shifting in relation to the star constellations, just as they always have been.  This change occurs about 1 degree every 72 years.  

Astronomer and astrologer Claudius Ptolemy (born around 127 AD), knew this and decided to implement a new system.  He began the zodiac with 0 degrees of Aries at the Spring Equinoctial point. Why?

He did this because he believed that the actual fixed-star constellations were not relevant for astrology.  He thought that the Sun signs should be fixed at the cardinal points (cardinal relates to initiating an action) of the Sun’s annual path.

  • Aries begins at the Spring Equinox
  • Cancer begins at the Summer Solstice
  • Libra begins at the Autumn Equinox
  • Capricorn begins at the Winter Solstice

Back to Ophiuchus. It has sometimes been used in Sidereal systems such as Vedic Astrology as a thirteenth astrological sign in addition to the twelve signs of the Tropical zodiac.

So, what is the difference between a sign and a constellation?

The signs are a man-made concept, equally divided by 12 (12 months), each being 30 degrees.  Each sector or Sun sign is the distance (in the sky), that the Sun travels in one month’s time. Signs are travel-based, and their foundation is set upon the seasons. They are not visible, but rather, imagined.

Constellations are visible in the nighttime sky and are configurations comprised of multiple stars and points.  They are position-based. Positions change slightly over time due to precession.

Bottom line: This “discovery” does not appear to impact Western astrology at all. Whatever your Sun sign was at birth, it will remain so, except for natural progressions (that is information for a different blog).

Although Ophiuchus has a full profile like the other signs of the zodiac, it will refer mainly to current Scorpios and Sagittarians.  Ophiuchus’s qualities are a blend of Scorpio and Sagittarius: depth-oriented and a bit secretive as well as expansive and living life out-loud!  Ophiuchus also contains qualities of being highly goal-oriented, motivated, and dynamic.

Hint: If you read about your Sun sign, please note that the predictions are based upon your Rising Sign or Ascendant.  That is usually (although not always) different than you Sun sign.  Need some help finding your Rising Sun?

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Astrology helps up cope with uncertainty

Like most of us, my beliefs have been generated by past experiences. But unlike most, my beliefs are also strongly influenced by the system of astrology.

As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I knew 2020 was destined to be a turning point in the life of mankind.  Astrologers call it ushering in the Age of Aquarius.  This new age has been highly anticipated for hundreds of years.   We speculated about how the world would change but living in the middle of this transition is a rare privilege.

Our lives have been tossed about in an angry sea of change where little of our current infrastructure seems to offer comfort or move us to terra firma.

Thinking about these changes reminds me of a 2000 movie starring Tom Hanks, called “Cast Away”.  In a desperate attempt to leave his one-man island, Hanks’ character constructs a wooden raft with the hope of reaching civilization. He survives only because he is rescued by a Russian trawler ship.  He believed that he would die alone on that island had he not set sail in search of what he thought he needed. His beliefs guided him to action, and he was willing to risk his life for what he believed in.

What do we do when our beliefs are threatened?  Many take desperate action or maybe it is just action that feels desperate because under ordinary circumstances, we would not act. Some turn to religion or spirituality for guidance, for safe harbor or to refresh our faith.  We are seeking safety, security and reassurance.

This makes me think of a Bob Dylan song…

“I came in from the wilderness a creature void of form

Come in, she said

I’ll give you shelter from the storm”

-Bob Dylan, 1974

Being immersed in astrology has been my shelter from the storm in dealing with our local, national and global transitions. Because our beliefs set the stage for our expectations, I expect to find comfort in astrology as an internal guidance system, grounded in technology and proven reliable since ancient times.  It helps me keep my beliefs more closely aligned with reality rather than being distracted by the wanderings of my mind.

Even though reality is not always to my liking, it is easier to understand and navigate when defined.

For example, 60 years after the end of WWII, there were surprise discoveries of Japanese soldiers in their mid to late 80s found living in caves and jungles around the world, not yet realizing that the war had ended.

Astrology helps us to cope with circumstance no matter how much paradigms shift. It provides us with insights about what is happening at a personal as well as global level.  And, it tells us why these changes are occurring.   It brings us meaning and understanding to help guide us through the vicissitudes of life. We can become the hero of our journey rather than a bit player in the wings.

Viktor Frankel, a well-known therapist, developed Logotherapy after surviving Nazi concentration camps in the 1940s.  He believed that the search for meaning and purpose in life helps people endure hardship and suffering.

Astrology is a tool that adds meaning, depth and insight to our experiences.  It also helps us formulate new beliefs based in truth rather than misinformation.

This is how we can create our future – a future aligned with what we came into this life to accomplish.  When we move into alignment with our truth, we gain momentum.  We become grounded in an internal sense of security because we feel guided and supported. We believe that we can achieve what is most important to us.  We believe in ourselves.  We feel passionate about who we are, what we do and how we connect with others.

Evolutionary Astrology is a system that works with any belief set and easily highlights what we are here to do and become.  It positions us face to face with our life purpose, path and direction.  It connects us to our “why”. It reveals new meaning for our beliefs, validates our behavior and provides us with a blueprint for our journey.  It gives us shelter from the storm.