Astrology helps us all shift together. The entire world is restructuring as we speak and everyone I know is moving through deep, structural issues of one sort or another: some with family members, some are selling their homes, some moving, some going through health crises, etc.
It is everywhere around us now as we move along this path of relative uncertainty.
What makes this time frame so uncertain is that we as a global community, do not have a template for anything that is going on. It is brand new.
And, since we are all connected now via the Internet, we are experiencing it simultaneously throughout the world so that is adding a lot of energy to the pot. There is a tremendous mass of collective energy, all focused on similar things. This makes events seem almost overwhelming. People can feel this pressure in every corner of the globe.
The Zeitgeist (the spirit of the times) is easily defined in one word: TRANSITION. Whether it is Corona, economic shifts, structural shifts, etc., it is sobering.
All these shifts are affecting everyone, but in different ways. Some will notice it more than others, but everyone alive will be impacted.
People are rather reactive right now as I am sure you have noticed.
That reactivity is fear-based. It will be different for everyone and some will react more than others because of what is being triggered within them.
This is especially true for unresolved feelings from long ago. Old issues are now coming up because of global instability, so it really pays to have a secure foundation of mental health and good self-care lined out.
In fact, good self-care is the basis for inner security during these troubled times. I cannot overstate that enough. I am urging everyone I know including my own family, to look at how they are managing their routine personal issues just to see what needs upgrading during this time of transition.
Evolutionary Astrology is highly effective for laser-focusing on what is happening and why. Hypnosis is highly effective for resolving issues at their root cause.
Both modalities work together to provide an excellent basis for self-care and an essential foundation of inner security, clarity, and confidence in an extremely short period of time.
Hypnosis is one of the most natural ways you can help yourself heal.
We all have an innate ability to heal ourselves and both astrology and hypnosis help you achieve this healing and clarity very, very quickly.
If you would like a little help in transitioning to a positive mindset that serves as your stable foundation going forward, please contact me.
To learn more, schedule a free consultation at: